Why would you send an SMS message to your clients?
- SMS has a 99% open rate
- The messages will mostly be read 15 minutes upon receipt.
Do you know a lot of adults without a mobile?
How about company owners without one?
Have you ever had a customer without a mobile?
SMS marketing is ideal for sharing short updates or promotions with your customers. It is suitable for retail (shops).
In which ways can I send SMS messages to my customers?
- Through our SMS software(no installation required)
- Through email2SMS
- Through our SMS API
- Through our Smstools app
Why Smstools?
With Smstools, you can instantly send hundreds or thousands of SMS messages to your customers.
We have 15 years of experience with SMS marketing.
No fixed subscription fees. You only pay per SMS message you send.
Create a free trial account and try it out today!